Outcome Connections

On Map View the Outcomes and their dependency relationships are displayed and can be modified. These relationships are called Connections and shown as lines between each two Outcomes that are related. All Outcome Connections are Parent-Child relationships.

Ancestors of an Outcome are the Parents of that Outcome's Parent.

Descendants of an Outcome are the Children of that Outcome's Children.

Connecting Two Outcomes in Map View

  1. Hover over one of the Outcome cards you want to connect in Map View.

  2. To make that Outcome a Child of another Outcome, click and drag from the purple dot above the card.

  3. While still dragging your mouse/trackpad, bring the Connection line to the Outcome card you want to make Parent for the Child Outcome.

  4. Snap the Connection line and release it on the purple dot below the Parent Outcome.

  5. Release your mouse/trackpad to create the Connection.

Connecting two Outcomes far from each other in Map View

Sometimes you might need to connect two Outcome cards that are far from each other in Map View and it is inconvenient to drag your mouse/trackpad across the map to bring the Connection line to the second Outcome. In that situation you can follow the steps below:

  1. Press and hold Shift Key.

  2. Click on the two Outcomes one by one while holding Shift Key to select both of them.

  3. A menu appears at the bottom of the Map View screen. Click on the Outcome Connection icon on the left of the menu. A popup appears.

  4. Inside the popup, choose the Parent and the Child Outcome.

  5. Hit Save button.

You can use this method to make an Outcome Parent to several other Outcomes at once. To do so follow the steps above while having selected all the Outcomes involved.

Disconnecting two Outcome in Map View

  1. Click on the Connection line between the two Outcomes.

  2. Hit Delete key.

Changing an Outcome Connection in Map View

Changing the Parent of an Outcome

If an Outcome has an existing Parent, the purple dot above that Outcome has the function of re-assigning the Parent:

  1. Click and drag from the top purple dot it to remove the existing connection line.

  2. Drag the connection line to the bottom of a different Outcome (to become the Parent) OR release in empty space to create a new Outcome and make that new Outcome the Parent at the same time.

If you have done this in error, simply hit Escape key before releasing your mouse/trackpad to reverse your action.

Re-assigning a Child for an Outcome

If you want to disconnect a Child from an Outcome and at the same time connect it to a diffrent Outcome:

  1. Click and drag from the bottom purple dot it to remove the existing connection line.

  2. Drag the connection line to the top of a different Outcome (to become the Child) OR release in empty space to create a new Outcome and make that new Outcome a Child at the same time.

Last updated