
An Outcome can have Time associated with it. The nature of the Time depends on the Scope of that Outcome:

Time for Uncertain Scope Outcomes

When an Intended Outcome is Uncertain in Scope, we don't know how long it can take to become Achieved. We first would need to break it down into Small Scoped Outcomes so that it becomes certain in Scope and could be measured.

For an Uncertain Scope Outcome we can set a Breakdown Time Estimate for how long it could take us to break down that Outcome into Small Scoped Outcomes (shown as the Children and/or Descendants of that Outcome). This could help the members in project management hat to be able to have an idea of the project's state as a whole.

Time for Small Scope Outcomes

There are two type of time associated with Small Scope Outcome:

  1. Small Scope Outcome Achievement Time: This is the maximum amount of time that would take a Small Scope Outcome to be Achieved, prevously agreed and set by the project's team members.

  2. Target Date: You can set an optional Target Date for a Small Scope Outcome to help you and your team keep on track.

Currently Small Scope Outcome Achievement Time in the app is preset as 1 day. In the future versions of the app there will be the option to customize this field for each project.

Time for Big Scope Outcomes

The Time associated with Big Scope Outcomes is defined as Achievement Time Estimate, is always Computed, and is signified with a calculator icon on the left side of the estimated time.

This Achievement Time Estimate for a Big Scope Outcome is computed from the number of Small Scope Children the Outcome has, multiplied by the preset Small Scope Outcome Achievement Time.

For example, if it is set for the project that an Small Outcome would take up to 1 day of work for it be Achieved, and a Big Scope Outcome has 14 Small Children, the Achievement Time Estimate would be 14 days.

Setting or Editing Time for Uncertain or Small Scope Outcomes

To set or edit Time for an Outcome, do one of the following:

  • In Table View

    1. Click on the Outcome's Statement to open the Expanded View for that Outcome.

    2. In the middle column under Breakdown Time Estimate (for Uncertain Outcomes) or Target Date (for Small Outcomes) section, click on the "Click to set time" or the existing time field to open the Time popup.

    3. Use the calendar to pick the Start and End dates for Breakdown Time Estimate or the Date for Target Date.

  • In Map View

    1. Double click on the Outcome card to open the Expanded View for that Outcome.

    2. In the middle column under Breakdown Time Estimate (for Uncertain Outcomes) or Target Date (for Small Outcomes) section, click on the "Click to set time" or the existing time field to open the Time popup.

    3. Use the calendar to pick the Start and End dates for Breakdown Time Estimate or the Date for Target Date.

Removing Time for Uncertain or Small Scope Outcomes

On Time popup click on Clear All button on top left of the popup to remove the existing Time for the Outcome.

Last updated